Jumat, 19 Desember 2014


Sedikit informasi yg punya rekening MANDIRI. kalau sewaktu ambil uang dan kemudian di ATM ada stiker Call Mandiri dengan No. Telp: 02133131777 ( Palsu ), sebaiknya cancel saja & jangan tarik dulu uang di ATM itu, Coba anda cabut dahulu stiker itu. Mesin itu sudah diotak-atik, pasti kartu ATM anda akan tertelan dan uang anda akan raib/hilang semua. Mohon disebarkan ke temen2 yang lain, itu sindikat baru di Jakarta, Jogja, Surabaya, Medan, sudah banyak kejadian, it's Real, Be Carefull Friends. Please Forward And Just Broadcast.!
Benar sekali apa yang di share kan diatas, untuk diketahui dan diingat Nomor CALL MANDIRI yang ASLI adalah 14000 dan (021) 5299-7777 TIDAK ADA YANG LAIN, dan dipasang dalam bentuk Acrylic Warna Tulisan Biru. Jadi kalau ada yang bentuknya tidak seperti itu, berarti itu nomor palsu.
Semoga bermanfaat. Tolong diinfokan ke teman2 laen. Ini modus yang lagi happening di MANDIRI.
Waspadalah selalu, kejahatan selalu mengincar anda.!
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Jumat, 31 Oktober 2014



Ini peringatan bagi masyarakat yang menemukan amplop di jalan. Gara-gara tergiur cek palsu yang ditemukan di pinggir jalan, Abdul Gofur (58), warga Jalan Opak 16, Pengantigan, Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur kehilangan uang Rp 1,6 juta, Jumat (18/2) kemarin. Ia tertipu orang yang mengaku pemilik cek tersebut.

Aksi penipuan yang menimpa korban berawal dari penemuan amplop cokelat di depan tokonya, Kamis (17/2) sore. Kala itu, korban sedang duduk di depan toko. Pria ini melihat sebuah amplop cokelat tergeletak di atas aspal jalan. Karena curiga, dia bergegas memungutnya. Betapa terkejutnya, setelah diperiksa, ternyata berisi lembaran Surat Izin Usaha Perdagangan (SIUP) milik PT Cahaya Mandiri, Jalan Imam Bonjol Timur 17 C-8, Denpasar.

Yang mengejutkan lagi, di dalamnya terdapat selembar cek BCA senilai Rp 1,7 miliar atas nama Chandra Kirana, warga Pondok Purnawirawan SS 99, Badung. Selain dua lembaran berharga itu, ditemukan juga surat keterangan tanah milik Chandra Kirana lengkap dengan nomor telepon. Sekilas, lembaran berharga itu mirip asli, bahkan ada stempel dari instansi yang bersangkutan. Berniat ingin membantu, korban menghubungi nomor telepon yang tertera di dalam SIUP.

Telepon korban disambut hangat oleh pelaku. Bahkan, dia menawarkan uang tali kasih senilai Rp 25 juta melalui rekening. Korban sempat menolak dan menawarkan bertemu di Bali. Namun, pelaku ngotot meminta nomor rekening. Korban akhirnya percaya dengan tawaran tersebut. Kemarin pagi, sekitar pukul 09.30 WIB, pelaku kembali menghubungi korban.

Dia meminta korban ke ATM untuk mengecek transferan. ''Saya hanya menurut saja,'' ujar korban yang mantan pesulap ini. Di mesin ATM sebuah bank, pelaku memandu korban melalui sambungan telepon. Saat inilah, korban merasa seperti terhipnotis. Ketika diminta menambah saldo hingga Rp 1,6 juta, korban langsung menurut. Termasuk, saat disuruh menekan tombol transfer di mesin ATM. Korban baru sadar tertipu setelah melihat saldo di rekeningnya sudah habis. ''Saya sempat telepon lagi pelakunya. Dia justru menjawab, uang segitu diikhlaskan saja,'' kata korban. Aksi penipuan model baru ini langsung dilaporkan ke Polsekta Banyuwangi.

Korban berharap tidak ada lagi warga yang tergiur dengan temuan cek palsu tersebut. Menurutnya, modus yang dilakukan pelaku cukup menggiurkan. Hebatnya lagi, hingga kemarin, nomor yang digunakan pelaku masih aktif. Untuk mengelabuhi para korban, pelaku selalu berpura-pura berada di bank untuk mentransfer uang. Dia juga menggunakan orang lain dengan mengaku sebagai petugas bank. ''Ini modus penipuan gaya baru yang harus diwaspadai,'' pungkas korban. Yang membuat korban jengkel, alamat yang disebutkan dalam SIUP ternyata rumah dinas Kapolda Bali. Menurut korban, pelaku berlogat bahasa luar Jawa dan Bali. (udi)

SUMBER : http://www.balipost.co.id/mediadetail.php?module=detailberita&kid=2&id=48314

Banyuwangi (jurnalbesuki.com) - Cek senilai 1,7 milyar menghebohkan warga Rogojampi. Kertas berharga itu ditemukan sejumlah warga dalam sebuah amplop warna coklat. Selain berisi cek, dalam amplop itu juga berisi dua lembar kertas berlogo Badan Pertanahan Nasional (BPN) Manokwari, Papua dan Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan (Disperindag) Propinsi Bali.

Pada lembar BPN itu tertulis surat keterangan tanah seluas 46.927 m2 milik Candra Kirana Presiden Direktur PT. Cahaya Mandiri yang berkantor di Jalan Imam Bonjol Timur 17 C-8 Denpasar, Bali . Dalam surat itu Candra tertulis tinggal di Jl. Pondok Purnawira SS-99 Denpasar Barat. Surat itu menawarkan sebuah investasi dalam jumlah besar.

Sedangkan di lembar Disperindag Propinsi Bali tertulis perusahaan milik Candra yang bergerak dibidang kontruksi dan penyediaan mekanikal. Stempel asli dan logo Pemda Bali tertuang jelas pada lembar kertas itu.

Tak kurang delapan amplop ditemukan warga dalam jangka waktu yang hampir bersamaan. Amplop-amplop berisi surat berharga itu kini diamankan aparat Polsek Rogojampi. “ Surat ini aspal atau asli tapi palsu,” terang Kapolsek Rogojampi Kompol Bagio MM melalui Kanitreskrim Ipda Winardi.

Selebaran itu lanjut Winardi sengaja disebar pelaku penipuan untuk mencari keuntungan pribadi. Modusnya, penemu amplop yang bakal terkaget-kaget melihat angka dalam cek yang luar biasa besar dipastikan menghubungi pemilik surat . Selanjutnya, pelaku akan meminta penemu mengirim kembali surat itu ke alamat aslinya sambil menyertakan nomer rekening bank untuk pengiriman biaya ganti rugi. “Isi rekening penemu selanjutnya dikuras,” sebut kanit.

Penipuan jenis ini biasanya melibatkan pelaku tingkat tinggi. Para penemu diminta tidak terkecoh dengan foto direktur, cek serta kertas berharga lain dalam amplop. Modus seperti itu sengaja dihembuskan pelaku untuk memancing penemu agar mudah dikelabuhi.

Selain di Rogojampi, laporan yang sama juga didapat Winardi dari saudaranya yang tinggal di Banyuwangi. Atas sarannya, sang kerabat diminta untuk tidak mengabaikannya. “Awa situ bahaya,” pesannya.(emte/jb1)
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Minggu, 26 Oktober 2014


BMI Hongkong Tertipu 60 Juta Oleh “Bule London”

HL | 25 October 2014 | 17:32 Dibaca: 2589   Komentar: 35   18
Jatuh cinta pada “bule London” yang dimatanya begitu soleh, BMI Hongkong ini mengalami kerugian 60  juta rupiah.  Kini ia  harus membayar cicilan hutang ke bank, sedang si “bule London” dan komplotannya  berkipas dengan uang jarahan sang pahlawan devisa.
” Ibu, bolehkah  saya berkenalan?  Saya ingin cerita tentang masalah saya.”
Demikian sebaris pesan yang kuterima minggu lalu lewat FB dari seseorang sebut saja namanya Marni yang bekerja di Hongkong. Ia tahu namaku dari mas K yang juga mulai aktif mencegah penipuan dunia maya.
Bulan July 2014, Marni yang tak lagi memiliki orang tua berkenalan dengan “bule London” bernama Nelson Williams yang dimatanya begitu istimewa. Bukan karena ketampanan atau bule yang membuat ia jatuh cinta tapi kesolehannya. Demikian alasan Marni saat kutanyakan apa yang membuatnya  jatuh cinta pada lelaki maya itu?
Setiap hari Nelson mengingatkan Marni untuk sholat. Ia sering bersumpah membawa nama Allah bahwa ia serius mencintai Marni dan akan mengajaknya tinggal di London. Marni yang tak pernah tahu kejamnya scammers dengan polos percaya saja, apalagi saat itu ia sedang ada masalah dengan adik adiknya.
Pada bulan Agustus 2014, Nelson mengirim paket tanda cinta yang isinya barang barang mewah. Dikirim dari London ke Hongkong tapi mampir dulu di Bandara Soekarno Hatta . Disini Marni sedikit curiga, koq paket harus mampir ke Indonesia namun dengan rayuan mautnya berhasil meyakinkan Marni.
Seperti biasa scammer ini bekerja sama dengan wanita Indonesia yang dijadiin pacar sekaligus budaknya. Ada juga yang hanya dipakai rekeningnya untuk menampung uang jarahan dengan komisi menggiurkan. Nauzubillah teganya mereka menghisap  darah bangsa sendiri.
Marni diberitahu Nelson bahwa paket sudah ada di Indonesia, lalu dua hari kemudian seorang wanita namanya Sri Sugiati yang mengaku dari perwakilan Harison Express Courier menelpon dan minta uang untuk menebus paket tsb. Marni yang masih bingung kembali diyakinkan oleh kekasih bulenya bahwa paket itu memang ada sambil bersumpah membawa nama Allah.
Akhirnya dengan meminjam pada bank di Hongkong, Marni memenuhi semua permintaan sang kekasih hingga total  Rp. 60.000.000,- yang dikirim pada orang orang berbeda. Seperti biasa  paket tak pernah sampai tapi si Nelson masih minta uang lagi.
Aku minta Marni stop kirim uang  dan aku jelaskan bahwa photo yang digunakan itu photo curian. Kekasih maya yang selama ini mengajaknya  pacaran bukanlah bule asli.
“ Ibu, aku kirim uang kepada beberapa wanita yaitu SS, RH tapi yang kirim lewat bank dilakukan oleh pihak keluarga di Indonesia. Mungkin mereka tak menyimpan buktinya. Sedang aku simpan bukti kirim uang lewat Western Union atas nama Erika. Aku sudah kehilangan semuanya bu, aku tak tahu harus bagaimana lagi. Dosa apa yang sudah kulakukan hingga aku mendapat cobaan seberat ini? Aku harus bagaimana bu? “
Data si scammers :
Nomor nomor telpon yang digunakan si scammers dan komplotannya :
+447031864992, +627789106889, +6281991102216
Akun FB si scammer :
Bukti tanda terima kiriman paket
Bukti kiriman uang
SIM Palsu
Kesimpulan kisah diatas :
  • Perusahaan Harisson Express Courier tak pernah ada, websitenya juga bodong

  • Alamat yang tercantum adalah warehouse di London

  • Korban sangat lugu dan tak mengerti apa itu scammer

  • Komplotan ini beroperasi di Indonesia.

  • SIM yang diperlihatkan PALSU

  • No +447031864992 adalah free UK numbers yang bisa didapat gratis sebagai fasilitas forward/divert dari no Hp asli kita.  Ini ARTIKELNYA
Hari itu juga aku pajang akun FB  Nelson William di page “ WSC” tak lama photonya di hapus. Lalu dia kirim pesan pada Marni yang berpura pura tak tahu.
Honey ini aku buat FB baru khusus untuk kamu karena banyak yang kirim pesan ke inboxku”
Dalam hatiku, prett!! Ya jelaslah banyak yang kirim pesan karena dimaki rame rame sama members WSC.
Setiap mendengar BMI wanita tertipu lelaki dunia maya, hatiku  sangat miris dan sedih, karena tahu uang yang hilang  tak akan pernah kembali. Aku membayangkan  mereka kerja banting  tulang, jauh dari keluarga tapi dengan  teganya dijadikan sasaran para scammers.  Mau melapor ke bank dan mencari alamat si penipu lewat akunnya ? Uang pasti  sudah ditarik cash , selain itu  butuh surat dari kepolisian untuk melacak alamat seseorang. Sedang yang melapor harus korban sendiri.
Sudah begitu banyak korban berjatuhan khususnya BMI wanita , dari soal cinta maya hingga toko online namun sayang  penyuluhan dari pemerintah tentang kejahatan dunia maya  tak pernah terasa gaungnya.  Padahal ratusan juta uang mereka melayang sia sia ditipu scammers lokal dan international.
Aku sudah menulis banyak artikel tentang korban, aku sudah kirim  email ke pihak pihak terkait dan  aku persilahkan  siapa saja untuk share tulisan tulisanku, namun apa yang  kulakukan tak mampu menjangkau jauh. Namun aku tak akan putus harapan untuk mengingatkan saudara saudaraku. Semoga ridho Allah menyertai langkahku. Amin.
” Kita tak mampu mencegah manusia jadi penipu, tapi kita mampu menjaga diri agar tak tertipu. Jika sesuatu itu TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE ? Itu sih ADA UDANG DIBALIK BATU! Jadilah wanita Indonesia yang cerdas bermartabat!”
“Mari Selamatkan Pahlawan Devisa Dari Kejahatan Dunia  Maya”
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Jumat, 22 Agustus 2014

Mrs. Scot Grey

Dear Friend,

I have to thank God this moment for his direction as regards this mission. God want me to complete this mission hence, I got your contact.I know you maybe wondering how I got your contact email.

Actually when I heard from the doctor that my condition has become so critical, I had to reach out to a Christian Sister, who assisted me in searching for your contact in order to help me utilize this wealth the way I am going to instruct herein, and even the sister that helped me in this regard doesn't know the purpose for which I intend to contact you. I have prayed about it and it has been revealed to me that you can make judicious use of the resources for its intended purpose. I am currently sending you this mail from my sick bed in the hospital.My husband earned these funds (10,800,000.00 USD) but he died in a plane crash and left everything behind for me and I will join him soon due to my ill health.

Due to my infertility resulting from medical problems I became barren. God has a reason for everything. I would want you to contact my lawyer;

Barrister Peter Clark
Email: peterclarkfirm.lawyer@outlook.com
Ensure to use a greater portion of the funds for its purpose in fulfillment of my last wish.

You are Blessed.
Mrs. Scot Grey
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Mr.Chucks Nashville

My name is Chuck Nashville , i work as the head of Priority Finance Deposit with British Virgin Island Offshore Investment Company Incorporation Deposit.

  I would need your consent to present you as the next of kin to our late customer who died in the recent Malaysian Airways Flight that crashed in Donetsk - Ukraine. He was a wealthy businessman who has a deposit value of $50,000,000 ( Fifty Million United States Dollars) in our vault, he died without any registered next of kin as he was long divorced and had no child.

  I was his deposit manager and have in my possession all the documents required to present you as his Rightful Receiving Beneficiary/Next of Kin. The major reason why I decided to contact you is because you share the same nationality with our late client and I can perfectly file an application of claim via a n International Solicitor Firm in the of Global Legal Investment Aid as The Rightful Receiving Beneficiary/Next of Kin of the depositor.

  We can work together to claim this fund. Please listen, this is real and goes on in deposit vault all over the world without people knowing. Let us utilize this opportunity because it does not come always. A lot of customers open Deposit accounts in different Vault without the knowledge of their families and when they die, such money will be claimed by the Vault and declare the account frozen.

  Unless someone comes to claim it, the Managing Director will enrich himself with other people’s money without the knowledge of the shareholders and board of directors of the Vault. Upon your confirmation of this message and indicating your interest, I will furnish you with more details. Please endeavor to provide me with the following so that we can discuss in details;

1) Mobile phone numbers.
2) Full name.
3) Contact address and occupation.
4) Nationality.

Yours Sincerely
Mr.Chucks Nashville
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David Pascalle.

Message From David Pascalle,

Dear One,

I am writing this letter with due respect and heartily of tears since we have not known or met ourselves previously. I am asking for your assistance after I have gone through a profile that speaks good of you. I will be so glad if you can allow and lead me to the right channel towards your assistance to my situation now. I will make my proposal well known if I am given the opportunity.

I would like to use this opportunity to introduce myself to you. well, i am Michou Adams and I know that this proposal might be a surprise to you but do consider it as an emergency In nutshell, My (late) father was a very wealthy gold and cocoa merchant who based in Africa respectively. But he was killed along side with my mother during last year's Rebel attack and all his properties was totally destroyed.

However, after their death I managed to escape with a very important document (DEPOSIT
CERTIFICATE (4.5m, Euro) Four Million Five Hundred thousand Euro deposited by my late father in the bank which i am the next of kin.

Meanwhile,i am saddled with the problem of securing a trust worthy foreign personality to help me
transfer the money over to his country and into his possession pending my arrival to meet with him.
Furthermore,you can contact the bank for confirmation and i will issue a letter of authorization
on your name,that will enable the bank to deal with you on my behalf.

I am giving you this offers as mentioned with every confidence on your acceptance
to assist me or take me as your child and manage the money. I am inclined to offer you 30% of the total sum as a mode of compensation for your effort after the successful transferring of these fund to your nominated account overseas Conclusively, i wish you send me a reply immediately as soon as you receive this proposal, please write me back.

Best Regards,
David Pascalle.
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Ban Ki-Moon

  The United Nations    Headquarters, New York 
  United Nations Compensation Unit, In Affiliation with World Bank  Ref: U.N/WBO/042UK/2014. Congratulations

Attn: Beneficiary,     
                How are you today and Compliments of the season! Hope all is well with you and your family? You may not understand why this mail was sent to you. We are the office of Debt Resolution Payment  Allocation Department Unit (DRPADU),we had  been had several  meeting with the  Secretary of the  (U N) with  (IMF)Board of  Committee , which just ended few days ago. In fact the (agenda) of  the meeting was basically  for the compensation of  all the people that have not received his/her  unpaid Contract payment of any Debt, like lottery or may be scammed by one way or the other by  some offices or individual in any part of the world, For this reason, (UN) in Affiliation with (IMF) (WORLD BANK) have agreed to compensate  such (VICTIM) with  the total sum of USD$ 2.5Million Dollars to every Individual or Group concerned,

So, my dear  friend you received this email because you  are enlisted among  those  to part take in this excise. This includes every both local and foreign contractor that may have not received their contract amount since inception, and all the people that have had an unfinished transaction or international businesses that failed due to some problem from government authorities. We found your name in the list of those who are to benefit from this  compensation exercise and that is why we are contacting you, this have been agreed upon and have been signed officially by the UN Secretary.

Therefore, you are advised to contact the officer In-Charge of this excise Mr. Issa  FARUQ of our  paying center in Africa Region, he is our representative in Burkina-Faso, Note officially that to avoid delay of your funds, this paying  bank has been instructed to choose  two kinds  of payment modality to receive their funds urgently without any delay. Either by (International Cheque or ATM Card) Please contact  the officer in-charge  immediately for  your payment  of USD$2.5 Million Dollars.

This fund will be paid to you through Bank International Cheque or ATM Card for urgent and security purpose! So, he will send to you either of the two payments as programmed  which will enable you to start accessing your money immediately in your choice Bank.Send to him you’re full Name and telephone number and your correct mailing Home or House address where you want to receive it from the paying bank through the office in charge in the person of Hon.  Mr. Issa FARUQ who is Officer In-Charge of the U.N.Compensation and Resolution Unit Africa, Remember your payment Code is as follows: UBABANKBF/DPI/829014

Kindly reaches him through the contacts information below.

U.N.Compensation and Resolution  Unit African Region.
Hon: Issa  FARUQ
E-MAIL: mr.issafaruq@gmail.com
TELEPHONE+226 60 49 50  51
FAX: +226 50 38 09 50

I apologize on behalf of my organization for any delay you might have encountered in receiving your fund in the past, but nevertheless, hoping  to hear from you as soon as you cash your Bank Draft.We believe in making the world a better place for all of us. You are required to contact the above person and furnish him with the following of your information that will be required to avoid any mistakes:-

1. Your Full name:
2. Your Country:
3. Contact Address:
4. Telephone Number:
5. Fax Number:
6. Marital Status:
7. Occupation:
8. Sex:
9. Age:

Ban Ki-Moon
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Miss Felicia Luna

My Dearest One,

This is Miss Felicia Luna from Trinidad & Tobago. I am writing from a hospital in Ivory Coast, therefore this mail is very urgent, I am dying in the hospital which i do not know what tomorrow will be. I was told by my doctor that i was poisoned and has got my liver damaged and can only live for some months, and my step mother is the one that wants to kill me, to take my belongings since after the death of my Father.

I have a little orphan child, named Martins Henry and $ 2.5 million Dollars i inherited from my late father, my step mother and her children are after Martins because he knows about the documents of the money and about the poison, for this reason they do not want Martins to expose them, so they will do anything possible to kill him, so i want you to help him out of this country with the money.

This is the favor i need when you have gotten the money: -

(1) Set out 20% of the money to establish Martins as he has been there for me through out my illness and I have promised to support him in life. I want you to take him along with you to your country and establish him as your son.

(2) Give 30% of the money to handicap people and charity organization. The remaining 50% should be for you and others that you would love to assist.

Note; This should be a code between you and my orphan child in this transaction "Hospital" any mail from him, the Lawyer he will direct you to, without this code "Hospital" is not from Martins, the Lawyer or myself as I don 't know what will happen to me in the next few hours.

Please do get back to me so that I can give you the contact of my orphan child Martins Henry, he will give you the documents of the money and will direct you to a well known lawyer that i have appointed to him, the lawyer will assist you to change the documents of the money to your name to enable the bank transfer the money to you.

And Let Martins send you his International passport to be sure of whom you are dealing with. Martins is so little therefore guide him. And if I do not hear from you, I will look for another person or an organization.

May Almighty God bless you and use you to accomplish my wish. Pray for me always.

Miss Felicia Luna
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Halo masbro,,,,tadi plng jumatan dikelapa gading, lagi jalan bareng-bareng, ada temen bilang …tuch-tuch liat penjahat modus baru tuch..nongkrong-nongkrong di pinggiran jalan sambil catet-catet no plat nomer mobil- motor…ati-ati loh…
gw lihat-lihat ciri-cirinya :

- nongkrong di pinggiran jalan diatas motor
- 2-3 motor, terdiri dari 4-5 orang
- rata-rata menggunakan HP komunikator..( kenapa bisa yah)
- rata-rata berwajah keras, agak sangar..( no offense yah)

baru kepikiran moto setelah jauh, kapan-kapan mo coba gw foto…

gw sendiri kurang tau, dan cari-cari di Internet ternyata nemu:
silahkan baca aja masbro
foto Daily Photofoto Daily Photo

Dhega B2 / No.1
March 21, 2013 @ 1:35 am

Assalamualaikum.. Bapak-bapak dan Ibu sekalian..

Mau share pengalaman aja nih atas kejadian tindakan kriminal yang terjadi sejak awal 2013 kemarin.

Mungkin Bapak dan Ibu sudah pernah mendengar ‘Debt Kolektor PARA Finance?’ ya.. menurut pengetahuan saya. mereka adalah komplotan para penjambret/perampas dengan cara Halus dan mengaku-ngaku perusahaan PARA Finance produk dari Bank Mega. Namun menurut sahabat saya yang karyawan Bank Mega. Para Finance sudah Bangkrut. dan berganti menjadi Mega Finance.
Komplotan ini pertama terlihat di daerah Daan Mogot. Meluas ke Kebun Jeruk dan Kembangan. dan belakangan saya sudah 2 X di berhentikan Paksa oleh mereka di daerah Sandratex (Rempoa) dan Kampung Utan.

Salah satu dari mereka sepertinya ada yang residivis (mantan) karyawan PARA Finance. sehingga mereka mempunyai Buku rangkap PARA Finance dan Buku tebal yang berisikan Data Plat nomor kendaraan-kendaraan entah dari mana. Cara mereka beraksi. biasanya mereka menunggu di Pinggir jalan. sambil melihat-melihat Plat nomor motor yang lewat (biasanya yang bertampang Lugu dan Motor tahun 2009/Up yang masih Standart akan langsung di Kejar) dengan 2 orang berboncengan. yang di bonceng langsung mencatat Plat Nomor kendaraan yang kita pakai. dan langsung di berhentikan paksa. Setelah kita berhenti, biasanya ada 2-3 motor (3-5 orang lagi yang datang berkerumun. Mereka tidak menggunakan kekerasan. Tapi dari cara mereka mengintrograsi dan menyudutkan kita. terkadang Takut dan Khawatir sudah pasti. Dan mereka sering juga membentak kalau Motor yang kita pakai itu ada masalah Kredit di PARA Finance. (Walaupun motor yang anda beli Cash / leasing Finance lain). dan mereka selanjutnya berinteraksi lewat telepon dengan temannya jika tidak berhasil mengelabui kita dan minta di Bawa ke Kantor (yang pastinya sudah nggak ada! kan udah bangkrut.) Kabur / tancap Gas bukan pilihan yang Baik. karena sempat Nyokap di Kejar dari Careffour Ciputat. sampai ke Garasi rumah. dan menggedor-gedor pagar rumah. untung saya tepat pulang dan bisa mengatasi situasi karena sudah berpengalaman 8 X di berhentikan paksa mereka (6 X daerah Jakbar sana. dan 2 X di Ciputat). Padahal dengan 3 motor yang berbeda. karena memang mereka mengejar motor secara random dan berharap dapat 1 korban dari beberapa pengejaran.

tips nyah

Jika anda di berhentikan Paksa di Jalan. Menepilah di tempat yang ramai (karena kalau Sepi, bisa-bisa mereka Nekat). Cabutlah kunci Motor dan Kantongi. serta langsung buka pembicaraan (‘PARA Finance ya??’) biasanya mereka langsung kehabisan kata-kata dan nggak akan se-SOK Galak kalau kita PANIK. Jika mereka beramai-ramai. tetap tenang dan jika mereka mengeluarkan Data (bertuliskan tulisan tangan), apapun yang sebenarnya, Bilang saja (berbohong) kalau anda beli Motor nya Cash di dealer yang anda tahu alamatnya. dan Bilang BPKB asli ada di rumah. kalau tidak percaya, ajak saja kerumah (mereka pasti menolak kok. Dijamin). Jika mereka ingin mengecek keabsahan motor. silahkan beri mereka kesempatan melihat ketrikan nomor mesin dan nomor rangka motor kita. Lalu tanyakan ke mereka, siapa Pemilik motor anda di data mereka (Pasti beda kok. orang mereka baru nyatet Plat nopol kita pas pengejaran). jangan sampai Data STNK anda di Catat/ di tulis mereka. cukup kasih lihat mereka sepintas. kalau bisa. Fotolah saat mereka mengecek nomor mesin dan Rangka motor kita. (ini bisa saya gunakan sebagai senjata dan kasih liat mereka kalau kita pernah di berhentikan PARA Finance, dan ternyata Data mereka SALAH!. mangkanya 7 dari 8X di berhentikan saya tidak di cek-cek nomor mesin dan rangka lagi).

beberapa hal yang perlu anda ingat. mereka punya Nametag / ID Card PARA Finance Asli. Buku Rangkap Kopi ber-Kop PARA Finance juga. Dan surat tugas asli (tapi Plat nomor dan Merk motor kita pasti tulisan tangan. hehe). jadi Walaupun kita teriak ke orang lain dan minta tolong. atau bahkan lari ke Kantor Polisi. mereka tetap berani mengejar kita dan menghadapi Polisi lho.. (berdasarkan curhatan di dunia maya salah satu korban mereka di Daan Mogot akhir 2012 silam yang tetap di kejar sampai ke Kantor Polisi). Tapi mungkin sekarang beberapa Polisi sudah mengetahui kalau ini Kasus penipuan.

Tetap Waspada kepada Bapak dan Ibu sekalian. Kejahatan terjadi karena adanya Kesempatan.. semoga kita tetap aman dan terlindungi dari segala jenis tindak kejahatan. ( amin )


suer nih gw bingung ngasih judul nya….semoga berguna masbro yah…kalo ada info dari teman-teman silahkan di share, dan cara penganggulangannya tentunya…walaupun kita belom tahu kebenenaran, apakah yang bersalah si pemilik motor atau bukan, atau kah instansi tersebut memang legal atau illegal – ada info terbaru ternyata para debt collector juga melakukan hal sama ( legal ini loh bro) dalam mencari motor nunggak/bodong/gak bayar.

Intinya walaupun kita jgn negatif thinking dulu setidaknya kita bisa aware dan waspada selalu, jangan lupa berdoa sebelum melakukan perjalanan.thanks masbro…
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Senin, 18 Agustus 2014


Temukan Cek Rp 2,7M di Jalan, Pria ini Malah Ketipu Rp 6 juta….Penipuan Modus Baru nih….!! – Sungguh senang bukan kepalang yang dirasakan Romadon (24) pedagang kaki lima setelah menemukan cek BRI senilai Rp 2,7 miliar di pinggir jalan. Cek itu terbungkus dalam map plastik yang di dalamnya juga terdapat surat izin usaha perdagangan (SIUP) yang dikeluarkan Disperindag Jakarta untuk PT Surya Mandiri Perkasa (SMP) dan surat tanah di kawasan Manokwari, Papua.
Namun, cek tersebut merupakan awal nasib naas yang dialaminya. Warga yang tinggal di Jalan Batu Nilam, Lorong Terusan, Kecamatan Bukit Kecil, Palembang ini, malah menjadi korban penipuan.
Saat melapor ke SPKT Polresta Palembang, Kamis (14/8), Romadon mengaku, menemukan berkas tersebut pada Selasa (12/8) lalu, tak jauh dari tempat dia berdagang di Jalan Demang Lebar Daun Palembang.
Dalam berkas tersebut terdapat nomor handphone 085212030055 yang diduga pemilik berkas tersebut. Karena barang itu bukan miliknya, dia mengirim pesan singkat ke nomor tersebut. Tak lama, sang pemilik langsung menghubunginya.
Melalui sambungan telepon, sang pemilik berkas akan memberikan hadiah berupa uang sebesar Rp 37 juta sebagai tanda terima kasih karena Romadon telah menemukan dokumen tersebut.
Tanpa pikir panjang, dia mengikuti anjuran pelaku yang menyuruhnya ke ATM dengan alasan untuk menerima kiriman uang jasa tersebut. Setelah tiba di ATM, korban justru mentransfer tabungannya sebesar Rp 6 juta ke rekening orang tersebut.
“Tidak tahu kenapa, saya mau mengirim tabungan ke rekening orang itu. Padahal, tadinya saya yang mau nerima imbalan,” kata dia.
Beberapa saat kemudian, dia baru sadar sudah tertipu. Nomor handphone pelaku tak bisa lagi dihubungi.
“Saya mentransfer uang sebesar Rp 6 juta itu ke rekening Bank Muamalat atas nama Sri Purnamawati dan M Ariadi. Tapi, setelah itu, nomor handphone-nya tak aktif lagi,” ujarnya.
Kasat Reskrim Polresta Palembang Kompol Suryadi mengimbau agar warga tidak mudah tergiur dengan ajakan atau imbalan yang diberikan orang tak dikenal.
“Ini salah satu bentuk penipuan baru yang dilancarkan pelaku. Kami akan usut agar bisa mengungkap pelakunya,” imbaunya.
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Senin, 11 Agustus 2014




Seringkali kita mendapat SMS penipuan yg menyatakan anda menjd pemenang kuis, SMS yg pura2 nyasar tentang transfer uang, mama genit minta pulsa, agen pulsa super murah dst...

Jgn kita biarkan,saat ini ada cara utk menanggulangi nya :

Format SMS : penipuan#nomor penipu#isi SMS tipuan dan kirim ke 1166
Contoh : Penipuan#081212­3456#selamat anda mendptkan 1 unit mbl avanza dr telkomsel poin...dst lalu kirim ke 1166

2. XL
Format SMS : Lapor#Nomor yg di gunakan utk menipu#kasus yg di keluhkan lalu krm ke 588

Format SMS : SMS(spasi)Nomor­ pengirim SMS penipuan(spasi)­isi SMS penipuan,kirim ke 726

Jika sudah lebih dr 2 org yg melaporkan SMS penipuan, maka nomor tersebut segera diblokir... secara permanen oleh operator...

Layanan ini gratis

Sekedar Info..
Jika Anda mengalami penipuan dalam "Transaksi ONLINE" cukup kirim kronologis dan No. Rekening si penipu ke email "cybercrime@pol­ri.go.id" POLRI akan langsung bertindak dengan memblokir ATM si penipu & melacak keberadaannya untuk di tindak sesuai hukum.

Share ke saudara atau rekan yg lain utk membantu mencegah maraknya penipuan dgn Modus Online.terima kasih...
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Kamis, 27 Maret 2014

Madam Alimata Raja

Dearest One,

I am Madam Alimata Raja I am a widow being that I lost my husband,my husband Late Mr Raja Sule was a serving director of the Cocoa exporting board until his death. He was assassinated by the rebels following the political uprising, before his death he made a deposit of Six Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($6,500,000.00USD) here in Ouagadougou Burkina Faso in one of the Security Company,he intended to buy a Cocoa processing Machine with the fund.

I want you to help me for us to retreive this fund and transfer it to your account in your country or any safer place as you will be the beneficiary and recipient of the fund which we will use for joint investment in your country.I have plans to do investment in your country, like real estate and industrial production.

This is my reason for writing to you.

Please if you are willing to assist me and my only Daughter Linda Raja ,indicate your interest by replying urgently through this pravite E-mail Address( madamalimata.raja@gmail.com )

Thanks and best regards .
Madam Alimata Raja
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I am MRS. FELICIA WADE, Auditing and Accounting Manager of Bank of Africa (B.O.A) Burkina Faso Ouagadougou.
I KNOW THAT THIS MAIL WILL COME TO YOU AS A SURPRISE AS WE NEVER MEET BEFORE, I want to inquire from you if you can handle this transaction for mutual benefits/life opportunity for both of us.
The transaction is about seeking your assistant to present you as the next of kin/ beneficiary of the Sum $4. Million (Four Million United State Dollars), and who is a customer to the bank where I work He died in plane crash in Egypt, with his family during their vacation journey.
The Fund is currently in a suspense account awaiting claim, the bank made a public notice in the bank that they are ready to release this fund to any of his relative’s abroad.
I contacted you just because I have lost my beloved husband since 9 years now and left 3 Child behind, so I decided to make a good use of this opportunity.
After hearing from you I will give you more details about the transaction, if your interpreted please send me the following immediately to my private email address here: (  mrsfeliciawade@gmail.com )
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Mr. Amin Omar Phone: 00226 7950 8603

Good day my friend

I am the bill and exchange manager of the BOA bank of Africa.I Hoped
you will not expose or betray this trust? I need your urgent
assistancein transferring the sum of ($10.4 million) dollars
immediately into youraccount. Please you can visit the web site below
before we move forwarder formore sure and understanding, I will send
you the full details on how thistransaction will be executed, but
first I want you to assure me your capabilityof handling this project
with trust by providing me your following informationdetails such as:
(4)PHONE NUMBER:.................
(6)YOUR COUNTRY:.....................

Please this is very confidential and urgent as well. If you are
interestedplease forward me the information's I need of you

Please reply me through this mail (omaramin280@yahoo.com)

Mr. Amin Omar

Phone: 00226 7950 8603
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Dr Abdullah.Fahim

Hello Dear,

How are you doing, Hope everything is going on fine with you including your family overthere , Inconfidence and trust I propose this profitable business transaction to you. I am Abdullah.Fahim I work with BOA in West Africa. Audit in the Bank conducted few years ago revealed that a sum of USD$17.5million was in our Bank unclaimed. Thereafter, I investigated and found out that the owner perished in motor accident year 2000 along side with his next of Kin.

Thename of the deceased Customer is Engr. Mohammed Muktahir, from Lebanor. He naturalized in our Country for years before he perished along with his next of kin in Car accident year 2000, He was a contractor and also the major supplier of Agricultural Equipments in West Africa.

I am soliciting your assistance to see that this transaction is successfully completed, and subsequent upon will be invested in your country .Everything has been put in place for a hitch-free transaction.

Hence, I am inviting you for a business deal where this money will be shared between of us in the ratio of 60/40 percentage. Am assured you that within (7) seven banking working days, this said amount will enter your givenBank account with immediate alacrity. If you agree to my business proposal, further details of the transfer will be forwarded to you as soon as I receive your wiliness to join hand with me.

Am awaiting your urgent response with this informations
Your full name,.............
Residential address,.........
Company name,.................
Marital status,.............
Private Mobile Phone,............
Scan Passport or ID card copy,......
please write me direct my box(abdufahi@gmail.com)
Have a niceday!!!
Dr Abdullah.Fahim
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Mrs Halima Umaru Alao. mrshalima.alao@yahoo.com

Dear Beloved,

I am glad to know you, but God knows you better and he knows why he has directed me to you at this point in time so do not be afraid, I am the above named person Mrs Halima Umaru Alao, I am from Damascus Syrian Arab Republic, presently seeking asylum in Burkina Faso with my sickness due to Syrian political affairs, Please I am writing this mail to you with heavy tears In my eyes and great sorrow in my heart, I want to tell you this because i don't have any other option than to tell you because I never knew things would turn this way as I was touched to cry out and open up to you. I have been working as Ministry of Economy and Trade for 16years before i became sick and very unwell to continue the work that I started with my beloved husband...I’m married to Dr. Sufian Al Alao, We were married for 31 years with a child of 14years old Son. He died after a brief illness that lasted for only five days. Since his death, I decided not to re-marry or get a
child outside my matrimonial home. When I was the Ministry of Economy and Trade in capital city of Damascus Syrian, I deposited the sum of Eight Million Nine hundred thousand United States dollars (US$8,900,000) in a Bank. Presently, this money is still with the Bank. I made this money available for exportation of cotton, and clothing.

Unfortunately, recently my doctor told me that I would not last for the periods of next few months due to cancer problem. The one that disturbs me most is my stroke sickness. Having known my condition I decided to hand you over this money to invest in a manufacturing and real estatemanagement industry in your country,for the benefit and education of my son Sufian Jr, you will utilize this money the way I am going to instruct herein. I want you to take 35% Percent of the total money for your personal use While the remaining 65% for my son who will be staying under your kind custody until he is matured enough to take care of himself. The reason because I grew up as an Orphan and i don't have anybody as my family member, I am doing this so that God will forgive my sins and accept my soul because this sickness has suffered me so much. As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of the bank and I will also instruct the bank lawyer to issue
you a WILL" that will prove you the present beneficiary of the fund in the bank, which is if you assure me that you will act accordingly as I Stated herein,

Waiting to receive your response very urgentely Pls reply to my private mail address mrshalima.alao@yahoo.com


Mrs Halima Umaru Alao.
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